19 July 2011


PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL.. why do u need it??

Everyone wants to look good..YES!!


most of us totally forgot that beauty comes from within!

with the FIR technology,
PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL can improve your health by

For some people, they are not willing to pay RM2000++ to get 1 set of PB.


These are the few reasons from various ppl..and let me explain

1- "too expensive" - like i said, prevention is better than cure. If this PB can prevent u from cancer, you will save RM100K++ of medical bill for CANCER treatment which includes surgery + chemotherapy + radiotherapy + fisiotherapy! (THINK AGAIN!)

2- "tak mampu" - besides cash, it can be paid by monthly installment. If we can afford to buy some other branded stuff, why can't we spend some on PB for our own health. With PB, you can actually save the budget, because you will no longer need to shop for normal bra.
3- "husband tak bagi" - this PB is not only for your own good. It can help you to improve your marriage life and intimacy

4- "tunggu budget" - you can actually plan for the budget and you are the one who can set the priority! nak baju cantik+handbag cantik+kereta cantik first, or ur health?? bila dah sakit dulu yg datang..ape guna harta2 yg lain. so protect yourself first!

5- "im not married yet/im not a mother yet" - don't wait until you are getting fat. Skinny women should also wear PB to shape up the body curves (from a flat chest+butt to a curvacious body!) You should get a nice body curves right before getting married/pregnant..and surely, your future husband will love it even more!! After all, GUYS really adore a curvacious BODY! ;) PB can also improve your fertility, if you are planning to have a baby soon!

6- "i can just diet/i can just exercise" - with PB, you can actually burn up the calories more as it increases your metabolism rate. PB user can have a nice body shape without exercise and diet..we just have to discipline ourself by wearing it for 8hours/day and drink 8 glasses of water ;)

7- " i'm ok with my body now..husband pon tak kisah" - Your husband might say that they don't really care, but deep down inside..lelaki mana taknak isteri cantik..inside and out! They are just being nice and taknak sakitkan hati. But once, you are in shape again..then you will notice that he will be moreee into YOU and mcm2 pujian la ;)

8- "malas laa..rimas nak pakai" - penyakit M.A.L.A.S nih plg susah nak ubati. kalau semua pon dah malas.. there's nothing you can achieve in life. NAK seribu daya, TAK NAK seribu dalih!

I am just trying to help here and it is all up to you to decide!
Just read it with your open heart and mind.. and think again! ;)

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Sas 01262671716

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